I am somewhat new to the scene, so bear withe me
There are a few problems I wasnt to fix before releasing my new skin.
Published on August 2, 2006 By djjonwest In WindowBlinds
I am working on a new Windowblinds 5 skin [url=http://www.deviantart.com/view/36762853/]http://www.deviantart.com/view/36762853/[/url] , and I have run into a couple of problems.

as seen above, I only have a picture on the Turn off computer button, I was only able to do this because I changed the actual StartPanel.LogonButtons image to a transparency and have a GlyphImage of the button states set to these settings:

Image=The Next\The Nexti!gsmallStartPanelLogoffButtons.tga
groupforglyph=-10, -10, -10, -10
GlyphImage=The Next\WindowFrame.CloseButtonSinglePerPixelImage.tga

if I move "GlyphXShift=40" to "GlyphXShift=20" , Only the Logoff button picture shows up.

The second problem I am having is the start button. and taskbar. I can't seem to find where to adjust the height of the bar, therefore the size I intended it for doesn't show. This makes my StartButton.Overlay to show incorrectly.

And while I'm at it..... How do I change that awful blue selection rectange to a picture?

I appriciate all your help, Thanx in advance,

Jon West aka Electrik Jesus

Am I the only one SkinStudio keeps on quiting on, or hanging up on. usualy a memory error or ntdll problem.
on Aug 02, 2006
I also have the problem of my non Per Pixel windowborders still showing pink and tiling after a certian legnth.
on Aug 28, 2006
I have had this question up for over a month now and no reply?
on Aug 28, 2006
why is that
on Aug 28, 2006
if I post a few replies will it get views?
on Aug 28, 2006
or maybe even a real answer or a question back?
on Aug 28, 2006

I'm not clear on what the first question actually is. What exactly isn't working right? Does your glyph image have the same number of states as the undock/logoff/shutdown button image (9 states)?

The taskbar height is determined by the top and bottom content margins on your task button and quicklaunch buttons. Increase the content margins, and the taskbar get taller, etc. That's not likely to be the problem with your Start button overlay though. Try adjusting your overaly image sizing margins and content margins.

As for magic pink on normal window frames, I would double check the sizing margins on those frames and make sure parts aren't being forced to overlap.

I don't know why this thread went unanswered for so long. It probably got pushed out of view before anyone interested noticed it. Good thing you bumped it.